Monthly Archives: December 2010

letting go of specialness.

A course in Miracles:

“To value specialness is to esteem an alien will to which illusions of yourself are dearer than the truth…Here is your savior from your specialness. He is in need of your acceptance of himself as part of you, as you for his.”

The cosmic game. To live in truth, in knowing that we are one and the same. No one is special but we are all the same. So when we strive to be seen as special, we are really denying ourselves and others the right to be the same. Thus, we are diminishing ourselves and others when we compare, deny, and/or separate one from another. This is when we start to live an illusion. We begin to create ourselves as “different” and build on the illusion of separation and fear.

So even when I judge myself, I am distinguishing others as different from me and I am perpetuating negative emotions and guilt out into the world. If I deny myself my own humility, I am denying others there right to be who they are. If I do not accept myself, I do not accept others. If I do not accept others, they do not accept me. When we do not accept ourselves, we build on an illusion, and so the cycle continues.

I see the challenge as coming down to this: when we HOLD situations on the material plane of reality as more significant than our own and others spiritual growth and development, we feed and begin to live an illusion. The challenge is in Letting go.

So CHEERS to being ourselves and setting each other free.

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"Wearing my heart on my sleeve."

To mom:

I choose.
To leave it exposed.
To stay vulnerable
Although at times, i want to close it out of fear.
Despite suffering
Remembering, who I am is love.
The wounds, which are not love, are what I am healing from.
The wounds of separation and fear itself.

I choose to wear my heart, not on my sleeve, but where it resides.
However open and exposed.
I walk courageously
To do so
means everything and nothing at the same time.
With gratitude.
I am thankful for all for the opportunities to see myself, the ONE self.


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Resonating with One: the Negative Mind

The universal mind.
Interesting how two clairvoyants advised me the same thing, without me even telling them.
People’s energies like to stick around me.
Ask them if they have a message and kindly, thankfully ask them to leave.
So today, I took some time communicating with what message I might be learning about the negative mind.

After practicing yoga all day and then while taking zumba class, the negative mind started to disturb me. A great deal of judgement and self-abuse I was hearing. I was really surprised and naturally, I wanted to tell the negative mind to “shut up,” I wanted to suppress it. I felt ashamed of it and…honestly, I do not feel that this energy is mine. I believe it is a spiritual test. So what do I have to learn? What message am I getting?

It is that ability to resonate with one. The message is that people are carrying around other people’s energies and abusing themselves and judging others and they do not know what to do about it. They can’t stand their negative mind but they do not know how to shut the negative mind up, so they judge themselves and they judge other people and they do not evolve because they feel stuck.

This too could be me. I can resonate with the feeling of, after hours of practice and diligence and devotion, a good deal of frustration and worry that I could end up stuck in samsara, the karmic cycle of death and rebirth. However, I am not giving up and for whatever path I am on, I am certain that it is in healing.

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“For the ignorant, this body is the source of endless suffering, but to the wise person, this body is the source of infinite delight.”

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